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National Jr. Honor Society

Navarro Junior High National Junior Honor Society inducts new members each spring semester. At Navarro, students must have an 92 average in their core classes the first semester to be considered for induction. Students that have an ISS or DAEP placement within the current school year will not receive an application. Students with a 92 average will receive an application that has a specific due date. This date is followed and any late applications will not be accepted. The students then are screened in the areas of service, citizenship, leadership and character from their teachers. Students must have an average score of 15 from the teachers. A Faculty Council then reviews the students and verifies that a student meets the criteria. The Navarro Junior High follows the constitution of the National Junior Honor Society.

NJHS sponsors families at Thanksgiving and Christmas. We also are in charge of our canned food drive that benefits The Christian Cupboard in Seguin.
If you have any questions about the program, please give me a call.